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Divorce and Social Media: Dos and Don'ts

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more to connect with friends, share updates, and express ourselves. However, during a divorce, what you share on social media can have significant implications for your case.

Let's explore some dos and don'ts to consider when navigating divorce and social media.

Social Media Things You Should Do During a Divorce

  • Practice Discretion: Exercise caution when sharing details about your divorce on social media. Avoid airing grievances or venting frustrations online. Remember that what you share can be used as evidence in court, potentially affecting the outcome of your case.
  • Update Privacy Settings: Review and adjust your privacy settings on social media platforms. Limit who can see your posts, and be selective about who you accept as friends or followers. This can help you maintain control over who has access to your personal information.
  • Think About the Children: If you have children, consider their well-being. Refrain from posting content that could negatively impact their perception of either parent. Discretion is especially important when discussing custody arrangements or co-parenting.
  • Focus on Positivity: Share positive updates about your life that don't relate directly to the divorce. Highlighting moments of personal growth, hobbies, and achievements can help create a more optimistic online presence.
  • Consult with Your Attorney: Before posting anything related to your divorce, consult with your divorce attorney. They can provide legal advice on what's appropriate to share and what could potentially harm your case.

Social Media Things You Should NOT Do During a Divorce

  • Don't Share Legal Details: Avoid discussing the legal aspects of your divorce on social media. This includes financial settlements, property division, and sensitive conversations. This may also include opinions about your ex, your ex’s attorney, the judge, or anyone else involved in the divorce. These details are best discussed privately with your legal counsel.
  • Don't Use Social Media for Communication: Resist the urge to communicate with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse in comment sections or messages on social media. Any contentious exchanges can escalate quickly and potentially be used against you in court.
  • Don't Disparage Your Ex-Partner: Refrain from making negative comments or disparaging remarks about your ex-partner online. Negative posts can fuel conflicts and reflect poorly on your own character.
  • Don't Flaunt New Relationships: If you've moved on to a new relationship, be mindful about sharing it publicly, especially if the divorce proceedings are ongoing. Flaunting a new relationship can complicate matters and cause unnecessary emotional strain.
  • Don’t Forget - Everything is Evidence: Remember that anything you post on social media can be potentially used as evidence in court. Even if you delete a post later, it might have been captured or shared by others. Further, your spouse or their attorney can subpoena social media apps and sites to turn over deleted or hidden posts.
  • Don’t Trust Anyone: You may believe everyone on your friend list or all your followers have your best interest in mind—however, that is not always the case. Refrain from posting anything with the belief that no one who can see it won’t show it to someone else.

In the midst of a divorce, emotions can run high, and it's natural to seek support from friends and family, even online. However, exercising caution and thinking before you post can protect your legal interests and help you maintain a more positive and constructive approach to your divorce proceedings.

As you navigate this challenging time, it's essential to have a strong support network, including legal professionals who specialize in family law. Consult with your divorce attorney for personalized guidance on how to manage your online presence during your divorce.
