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What to Do if You Are Served With a Subpoena

If you receive a subpoena, it means you have been summoned to appear as a witness or produce documents in a legal proceeding. A subpoena is a legal mandate as in you must comply with it under the law unless you have an excuse.

Here is what you should do if you get subpoenaed:

  1. Read the Subpoena Thoroughly: Carefully read the entire subpoena to understand its requirements. Note the date, time, and location of the appearance, as well as any specific documents or evidence you are required to produce, if applicable.
  2. Check for Errors: Make sure that all the information on the subpoena is accurate. Verify your name, address, and any other personal details to ensure there are no mistakes that could cause confusion.
  3. Contact an Attorney (Optional): While it is not mandatory, if you have any concerns or questions about the subpoena, it's a good idea to consult with an attorney. They can help you understand your rights and obligations, and provide guidance on how to proceed.
  4. Determine Validity: Ensure that the subpoena is valid and issued by the appropriate court or legal authority in Texas, for a subpoena to be valid, it must have several pieces of information. If you suspect that the subpoena is invalid or improper, it is wise to consult with an attorney to confirm its legitimacy.
  5. Comply with the Subpoena: If the subpoena is valid, you are legally obligated to comply with it. Failing to do so can result in penalties or legal consequences. Respond to the subpoena in a timely manner and attend the scheduled appearance or produce the requested documents.
  6. Prepare for Testimony: If you are being subpoenaed as a witness, take some time to review the relevant facts and events related to the case. This will help you provide accurate and clear testimony during the proceeding.
  7. Preserve Documents: If the subpoena requires you to produce documents or evidence, ensure that you preserve and organize them appropriately. Make copies if necessary and provide the requested materials as specified in the subpoena.
  8. Understand Your Rights: As a witness, you have certain rights, such as the right to have an attorney present while testifying, the right to object to certain questions, and the right against self-incrimination. Familiarize yourself with your rights to protect your interests during the proceeding.
  9. Attend the Proceeding: If the subpoena requires your physical presence, make sure to attend the scheduled proceeding on the specified date and time. Arrive early and be prepared to provide your testimony or produce the requested documents.
  10. Seek a Postponement (if necessary): If you genuinely cannot comply with the subpoena on the given date due to valid reasons (e.g., illness, prior commitments), contact the issuing party or their attorney to request a postponement. However, ensure you have a legitimate reason and discuss it with your attorney if you have one.
  11. Follow Court Instructions: If you are required to bring specific documents or evidence, follow any instructions provided by the court or issuing party regarding their submission.

Remember, a subpoena is a legal mandate, and failing to respond appropriately can lead to legal consequences. If you have any doubts or concerns about the subpoena or its requirements, seeking legal advice is always a wise decision. An attorney can help you navigate the process and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal proceedings.
